Daydreaming At Work Makes Us Better Problem Solvers
Business Insider: Entrepreneurs might be especially focused on productivity, but despite your best efforts to concentrate on your business, you’re probably not awfully consistent at it. You are human, after all, and various scientific studies
How Politicians Use The IDEA Of Choice To Pick Your Pocket On Healthcare, And Everything Else
Forbes: When people act against their self-interest I see a flashing neon sign: Interesting Psychology Here! Consider how people respond to the Affordable Care Act (and indulge me by forgetting all wonkish policy concerns). What
Organic Eaters Might Be Meaner Than Their Counterparts, Study Finds
Huffington Post: Eating organic food may make people develop a holier-than-thou complex, according to a new study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Researchers divided subjects into three different groups. One was shown
A question of judgment
The Economist: A NEVER-ENDING flow of information is the lot of most professionals. Whether it comes in the form of lawyers’ cases, doctors’ patients or even journalists’ stories, this information naturally gets broken up into
The Moral Diet
The New York Times: In the 1970s, the gift shop at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was an informal affair. It was staffed by about 300 mostly elderly volunteers, and there were cash
Why Smart People Are Stupid
The New Yorker: Here’s a simple arithmetic question: A bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? The vast