Conjuring Up Our Own Gods
The New York Times: “Americans are obsessed with the supernatural,” Jeffrey J. Kripal, a scholar of religion, told me here at Esalen, an institute dedicated to the idea that “we are all capable of the
Opferzahl bei Katastrophen bestimmt Spendenhöhe (Number of victims of disasters determine donations)
Die Welt: Die Zahl der Toten nach einer Naturkatastrophe hat mehr Einfluss auf die Spendenbereitschaft als die Zahl der Überlebenden. Das geht aus einer Studie der Rotterdam School of Management hervor, die im Fachjournal “Psychological
Science Asks: Who’s More Pig-Headed, Dems or Republicans?
TIME: Forget the ancient Greeks’ advice. In this political climate, it’s more like “nothing in moderation, everything in excess.” Frank Bruni’s column in Monday’s New York Times highlights some of the cable-TV hyperbole that seems
‘Belief superiority’: A reason for the political impasse?
The Washington Post: As we enter the second week of the government shutdown with legislators unwilling to reach across the aisle to find a compromise, it seems appropriate that a study on extreme political views
Time is not money
The Economist: “The love of money”, St Paul memorably wrote to his protégé Timothy, “is the root of all evil.” “All” may be putting it a bit strongly, but dozens of psychological studies have indeed
Debt ceiling debate: Preaching to the choir
CNN: The White House continues to issue dire warnings about the economic consequences should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling this month. President Barack Obama told Wall Street to be “concerned” and Treasury Secretary