New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on beliefs and information search, power holders and bribes, attitudes, children and choice, food judgments, gratitude, attitudes toward sexual assault, metacognition, and masculinity-contest cultures in organizations. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on information search and choice, intergroup conflict, tactile action, attention and visual search, face learning, noise and anchoring effects, children books and gender, and the impact of teacher mindsets on growth-mindset interventions. Visit Page
Economic Field Experiments Complement Understanding of Judgment Bias
Field experiments in economics can serve an invaluable intellectual role alongside traditional laboratory research. Visit Page
Economic Field Experiments Complement Understanding of Judgment Bias
Field experiments in economics can serve an invaluable intellectual role alongside traditional laboratory research. Visit Page
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on youth irritability, visualizing data, narcissism, cultural adaptations and responses to collective threat, experiments in economics, inhibitory control in memory, and the development of communication. Visit Page
Other People Don’t Think You’re a Mess
We all have weaknesses, and all know hardship. But it’s difficult, even on a good day, to admit we are struggling, to ask for help or to apologize when we are out of line. After Visit Page