People Blame and Judge Parents for Children’s Heavier Weights
The big idea Americans stigmatize parents of heavier children, specifically blaming them for their children’s weights, according to experiments conducted by our team of psychologists. The more a person views parents as responsible for a child’s excess weight, the more
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on personality across the world and face impressions, perceptual and cognitive judgments, cognitive control in lemurs, attitude change, fear, social touch, and much more.
Experimental Methods Are Not Neutral Tools
Ana Sofia Morais and Ralph Hertwig explain how experimental psychologists have painted too negative a picture of human rationality, and how their pessimism is rooted in a seemingly mundane detail: methodological choices.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on social pain, adolescents’ political attitudes and values, disagreement and accuracy, effects of stress on voice features, learning, grief, and anxiety.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on beliefs and information search, power holders and bribes, attitudes, children and choice, food judgments, gratitude, attitudes toward sexual assault, metacognition, and masculinity-contest cultures in organizations.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on information search and choice, intergroup conflict, tactile action, attention and visual search, face learning, noise and anchoring effects, children books and gender, and the impact of teacher mindsets on growth-mindset interventions.