Radical Acceptance Can Help Build Emotional Resiliency
… A growing body of research suggests that the more you fight against your pain, the stronger and louder it’s going to get. Marsha Linehan, a retired University of Washington psychology professor and creator of Dialectical Behavior Visit Page
Crowding Out Falsehoods
Psychological scientists are harnessing the biases and expertise of imperfect individuals to enhance the wisdom of crowds. Visit Page
A Tribute to Daniel Kahneman
APS Fellow Elke Weber offers a special tribute to the Nobel laureate who pioneered the field of behavioral economics. Visit Page
Rewatching Videos of People Shifts How We Judge Them, Study Indicates
Rewatching recorded behavior, whether on a Tik-Tok video or police body-camera footage, makes even the most spontaneous actions seem more rehearsed or deliberate, new research shows. Visit Page
Tess Neal Examines the Nature—and Limits—of Expertise
Can psychological scientists divorce their own opinions and beliefs from their professional work? This APS Fellow’s research aims to answer that question. Visit Page
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on facts about sign languages, the power of identity, reliable lie-detection methods, humans’ bias blind spot, the development of visual attention in infancy, and much more. Visit Page