Protection Money: Human Subjects Research Legislation
Quick, name the largest group dedicated to protecting human subjects in research… Okay, time’s up. Does ‘the United States Government’ ring a bell? The federal government has thousands of pages in legislation and regulations aimed Visit Page
The IRB Review System: How Do We Know It Works?
This is the second of a two-part series in which the authors consider the effectiveness of the research proposal ethics review process as it has evolved in psychological research in North America. They raise a Visit Page
Reviewing for Risk: What’s the Evidence That It Works?
The authors consider the effectiveness of the process for reviewing research proposals in terms of risk to human subjects, as it has evolved in psychological research in North America. They raise a fundamental question: Is Visit Page
Regulatory Changes Affecting IRBs and Researchers
Let’s face it. Getting IRB approval for research projects falls somewhere on a continuum from “downright painful” to “just get it over with.” The experiences of researchers applying for IRB approval vary considerably, but very Visit Page
No Positive Contribution
IRB Review: It Helps to Know the Regulatory Framework
Behavioral and social scientists have complained over the years that federal human subject regulations place needless restrictions on their research. I disagree. In the six years I spent as an IRB chairperson and the 12 Visit Page