The Surprising Science Of Workplace Training
The Brilliant Blog: The problem with workplace training is that it seems so simple: Show employees what to do, have them practice it a few times, and you’re done. But “training is not as intuitive
Work Disputes Less Troubling When They Involve the Job Itself
We all have colleagues that we simply don’t like. Those personal frictions color our attitudes throughout the day and even after work. But if a run-in with a co-worker involves a specific work-related dispute, the
Collaboration Can Breed Overconfidence
Teamwork isn’t always a reliable approach to strategic planning, problem solving, or simple execution of tasks.
Careers and Leadership the Focus of New Psychological Science Blog
Countless professionals spend their workdays facing performance anxiety, low motivation, poor management, and burnout. Others utilize optimism, enthusiasm, and energy to reap success. Psychological scientists have amassed decades’ worth of research on these traits and
Looks Can Be Convincing: To Get Promoted, Just Appear Competent
Fast Company: In a perfect–or at least more rational world–the most qualified people would rise fastest. But new research suggests that just appearing to be competent is as important to getting ahead. How so? Think
Older Workers Should Think Young
The Wall Street Journal: At age 42, Shona Sabnis is one of the “older” workers in the New York office of public-relations firm Edelman. Though she prides herself on being able to get along with