Working While Sick May Be Bad for Business
Being sick is bad enough, but coming into work while under the weather can be miserable. This week President Obama proposed a plan to provide millions of US workers the chance to earn up to Visit Page
Women Face Backlash for Speaking Up at Work
From the floor of the US Senate to auditions for orchestras, researchers have found that men are often seen as more competent and powerful for talking, while women are more harshly criticized, more frequently interrupted Visit Page
Sleep Deprivation Linked To Inappropriate, Unethical Behavior on the Job
As workers in the United States continue to work more hours every year, the National Sleep Foundation finds that Americans on average are also gradually getting fewer hours of sleep each year. For many workers Visit Page
Attitudes About Who Brings Home the Bacon Lag Behind Economic Reality
A team of psychological scientists hypothesized that people’s deep-rooted beliefs about gender roles may be slower to change than the major behavioral shifts evidenced within society and the workforce. Visit Page
Benjamin Voyer on the psychology of teamwork
The Economist: How would you describe the psychology of teamwork? The study of teamwork began with the emergence of social psychology and an interest in how groups behave, particularly as against another group. This is Visit Page
It Pays to Have an Eye for Emotions
From Gordon Gekko in Wall Street to Miranda Priestly in the Devil Wears Prada, successful people in the workplace are often shown as tough and single-minded, with little concern for the feelings of others. In Visit Page