New Immigrants, New Research Opportunities
Since the 19th century, immigration and psychology have shaped each other in the United States — for better or worse. Back then, people who attempted to enter the country at Ellis Island faced psychological tests Visit Page
The Key to Creativity May be in Imagining the Details
Beyond recruiting staff that has the right skills, qualifications, and education for the job, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to boost another key component of success—creativity. In a study recently published in Psychological Science Visit Page
Not Lonely at the Top
The New York Times: FOLK wisdom tells us it’s lonely at the top. This makes intuitive sense: To occupy the sole position atop a hierarchy, to have the sole authority for tough decisions nobody else Visit Page
Chatting Before Negotiations Benefits Men More Than Women
Psychological scientists find that a bit of schmoozing may help men—but not women—walk away from a negotiation with a better deal, as well as better long-term business relationships. Visit Page
31st Annual SIOP Conference
The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology will host its 31st Annual Conference from April 14–16, 2016, in Anaheim, California. Registration will open in December 2015. For more information, visit http://www.siop.org/. Visit Page
A Full Night’s Sleep Boosts Satisfaction with Work
Treating workers’ sleep problems may be one way to improve employee satisfaction on the job, according to new research. After analyzing data from nearly 5,000 employed adults, a team of psychological scientists from Stockholm University Visit Page