Working From Home: Awesome or Awful?
The Atlantic: For over a year, I worked almost exclusively from my tiny apartment in Harlem. Aside from trips into an office every six weeks or so, my work schedule and surroundings were mostly left Visit Page
The Trouble with Too Much Talent
Recruiting high-level talent may seem like a sure way to win, but bringing together the most talented individuals doesn’t seem to guarantee the best possible team performance. Visit Page
When Decisions Satisfy, and When They Upset
Should I sign that contract? Should I fire that lazy employee? Should I eat lunch at my desk or go out? Business professionals face a daily dose of decisions like these — some that we Visit Page
Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
The New York Times: For all the jobs that machines can now do — whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food — they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social skills. Visit Page
How Being Laid Off Affects Your Job Prospects
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently sent 330 employees emails letting them know the company—in an effort to control costs as its user base declines—would be eliminating their jobs. And the layoff is small in comparison to Visit Page
Feeling Like a Fraud on the Job
Ferdinand Demara is one of history’s most infamous impostors. After serving in the US Army during World War II, Demara masqueraded as a monk, a surgeon, a prison warden, a cancer researcher, a teacher, a Visit Page