Take a Career Break, but Stay In the Game
You got burned out. Your kids needed you. You became a crypto millionaire overnight. Whatever the reason—congrats. Welcome to your career break, length TBD. Time off by choice can be wonderful if you can swing it, a chance to recalibrate Visit Page
COVID Changed the World of Work Forever
Hardly anyone has made it through the pandemic with their work life unchanged. Millions of people have lost jobs, been placed on furlough or switched to working from home. Essential workers have continued in place Visit Page
Managing a Polarized Workforce
One of the most difficult challenges leaders of all organizations face is managing diverse perspectives. Much has been written on the benefits for teams and organizations of engaging with opposing views, fostering productive disagreement, and creating “teams Visit Page
Internships (Paid Ones!), Passions, and Other Keys to a Successful Career Leap
How does a psychologist with little or no nonacademic experience position themselves to compete in a very different job market? Learn from these trailblazers. Visit Page
Black Employees Will Thrive With Remote Work — It’s Anti-Racist
It is 4 p.m. on a Monday and I am on a walk. I am also on the clock. Last Friday, I received a calendar invite for a meeting to discuss my workplace’s ongoing efforts Visit Page
A Plea for Better Working Conditions for Young Scientists
It’s been a while since I took the lead on writing one of these columns. The last time I did so was in June 2020, when I wrote about my experiences as a Black scientist. I Visit Page