Why Your Office Isn’t Doing You Any Favors
The business world is not known for being warm and fuzzy, but new research demonstrates that the workplace really can stifle generous behavior. “In five studies, using both attitudinal and behavioral measures, we consistently found Visit Page
Watching Cat Videos at Work Could Make You More Productive
TIME: Go ahead and watch that supercut of cats freaking out when they see a cucumber one more time: Scientists say it could make you more productive at work. In a paper for the Journal Visit Page
Does a “Triple Package” of Traits Predict Success?
What makes one person more successful than another? For decades, social scientists have been trying to identify the factors that lead some people, but not others, to land dream jobs in high-paying, prestigious careers. While Visit Page
Why Meeting a First Date for Breakfast Might not Be a Bad Idea
Scientific American: Every day we make decisions that have important implications for our happiness and how we live our lives. Whether we are studying for an exam, preparing for a job interview, or deciding on Visit Page
Power Suits: How Dressing For Success At Work Can Pay Off
NPR: What does it mean to “dress for success”? Certainly not what it meant when a book by that name first came out in 1975. Now, what to wear to work is a murky area Visit Page
Cognition at the Speed of (LED) Lights
Since the 1970s, overhead fluorescent lighting has been standard in most office buildings. But, organizations may want to start swapping out their fluorescent lights for newer LED technology. Not only do LEDs use less power Visit Page