Fun Workplaces Also Promote Learning
A growing body of research has shown that fun in the workplace has important consequences for learning and motivation.
How After-Hours Emails Might Hurt Your Health
Technology has allowed many workers to enjoy greater flexibility with where and when they work, but it also means that the boundaries between work and leisure can become blurred.
A Meaningful Job Linked to Higher Income and a Longer Life
Longitudinal research reveals that individuals with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to outlive – and outearn – their less purposeful peers.
Can’t Wait to Celebrate: Holiday Cheer Increases Impulsivity
World financial markets tend to spike just before holidays, new research suggests this may be because “holiday euphoria” prompts impulsive behavior.
Bosses Micromanage When They Feel Powerless
New York Magazine: The next time your boss gets too deep into your business, consider this: They may feel powerless, as a new study in Personality and Individual Differences indicates, prompting them to exert control
The Trait That Turns Some Bosses into Micromanagers
Individuals who felt powerless, despite a high-ranking leadership position, were far less likely to share decision-making authority with their subordinates.