Workplace Bullying May Be Linked to Long-Term Health Issues
A new study links workplace bullying to negative health outcomes for employees, including increases in long-term sick leave and prescriptions for antidepressants. Visit Page
You Need To Deal With Your Work Stress. Here’s How
TIME: Being mistreated at work can make people take out their frustrations on loved ones at home. But a new study suggests that getting more exercise and sleep may help people better cope with those Visit Page
Higher-Ranking People Have More Difficulty Spotting Unethical Behavior
Research suggests that obtaining a higher rank within an organization may prompt people to overlook unethical behavior. Visit Page
Turning the “Motherhood Penalty” into a “Breadwinner Bonus”
Working mothers are often offered lower salaries and fewer leadership opportunities compared to working fathers, but this penalty can be reduced by framing women as “breadwinners.” Visit Page
Sunday Sports Lead to Monday Flops
When study participants were dissatisfied with their team’s performance on Sunday, they also reported a more negative mood on Monday, which was linked with lower engagement and productivity at work. Visit Page
How to Deal When Your Boss Is a Complete Narcissist
TIME: Your boss’s three favorite words are “me,” “myself” and “I,” and they’ve never really gotten that “There’s no I in team” thing, because it’s all about them, all the time. The world is unfortunately Visit Page