You 2.0: How To Build A Better Job
NPR: Why do you work? Are you just in it for the money, or do you have a greater purpose? Popular wisdom says your answer depends on what your job is. But psychologist Amy Wrzesniewski Visit Page
One of the most popular job interview questions is biased and unfair, says Adam Grant
Quartz: You’re 10 minutes into a job interview. You’ve had a bit of small talk and run over the basics of your resume. Then the interviewer leans back and asks a question that begins the Visit Page
Turning Up the Heat on Prosocial Behavior
Studies dating back to the 1940s have shown that the temperature can shape emotions and perception. Visit Page
Asking Questions Increases Likability
New research suggests that asking more questions—and in particular, asking more follow-up questions—increases people’s positive impressions.
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Looking Leadership in the Face
An emerging body of research on face perception suggests that getting to the top of the corporate ladder may depend, at least in part, on the structure of a person’s face. Visit Page
Dunnette Prize Open for Submissions
The Dunnette Prize, named after the late Marvin D. Dunnette, is given to honor living individuals whose work has significantly expanded knowledge of the casual significance of individual differences through advanced research, development, and/or application. Visit Page