The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses
fter decades of screening potential leaders for charm and charisma, some employers are realizing they’ve been missing one of the most important traits of all: humility. In an era when hubris is rewarded on social
Employees in Open Offices Are More Active, Less Stressed
Digital tools afforded by smartphones and activity trackers allow researchers to study real-world behavior as it happens in the moment.
Smart companies hire people who don’t believe in their mission
In modern-day management, there’s a whole lot of hoopla around mission statements. Your mission should sit alongside unique values (see Mark Zuckerberg’s tips on that) that together offer a vision for a world changed, however narrowly
Employees Actively Snub Bosses Who Discourage Work-Life Balance
The respondents rated how well they thought the boss handled a situation then rated the extent they would avoid him in the office or fail to invite him to after-work gatherings.
Psychological Research Shows How Biased We Are When It Comes To Female Leadership
Whether we like to confront it or not, our culture has shared unconscious biases of what each gender looks like in terms of qualities and abilities and how each gender should or should not behave.
“You’re Making Us Look Bad!” Why the Best Cooperators Sometimes Get Punished
The results of this experiment suggest that competitive environments could curtail selflessness or generosity