Want to Close the Pay Gap? Pay Transparency Will Help
Here’s what we know about salary transparency: Workers are more motivated when salaries are transparent. They work harder, they’re more productive, and they’re better at collaborating with colleagues. Across the board, pay transparency seems to Visit Page
Can Big Science Be Too Big?
Modern science is largely a team sport, and over the past few decades the makeup of those teams has shifted, from small groups of collaborators to ever larger consortiums, with rosters far longer than that Visit Page
Listen Now: “Psych in the City” Podcast Miniseries
The Lab @ DC, a research team of applied scientists with in the Washington, DC city government, recorded a series of three podcasts with psychological scientists at the 30th APS Annual Convention. Listen to them now! Visit Page
What’s behind the confidence of the incompetent? This suddenly popular psychological phenomenon.
You may have witnessed this scene at work, while socializing with friends or over a holiday dinner with extended family: Someone who has very little knowledge in a subject claims to know a lot. That Visit Page
Being friends with your boss has a downside
Given the hours invested, the intensity required, and the physical proximity forced upon us in this age of the open-floor-plan office, having friends at work may feel essential to one’s survival. Yet research published in Visit Page
We Still Believe That Genius Is Male—and Women’s Careers Are Suffering as a Result
The notion that men are intellectually superior to women remains lodged in our collective psyches. New research offers evidence that this bias has pernicious real-world consequences. A new study finds that women are less likely Visit Page