Power Shortage
Giving speeches was not usually a problem for me, but a lot was riding on this one, and I had a genuine case of nerves as I took the stage. Before me were 1,500 delegates, mainly
Getting Tight — the Psychology of Cancel Culture
The current era of cancel culture is upon us. From former Senator Al Franken, to Ellen Degeneres and Amy Cooper, people everywhere are having their lives upended because they violated the current social taboos of their community. Of course
Automation Fuels Anti-Immigration Fears. Time to Rethink How We Talk About It?
Automation may be associated with anti-immigrant sentiment by increasing perceptions of both realistic threat arising from competition for economic resources and symbolic threat “arising from changes to group values, identity, and status.”
Your Performance Feedback Doesn’t Work—Here’s How To Fix It
The ability to provide effective and credible performance feedback is a critical skill for supervisors, managers and leaders. Feedback delivered effectively helps employees elevate their performance, develop new skills, and achieve success for themselves and
Beware of Corporate Promises
Change is afoot in corporate America. For the past two months, everyone from Chevron to Comcast and Hershey’s to Harvard Business School has put out statements containing the phrase “We stand in solidarity with the
Should You Say Yes to That Favor? Well …
Until February of this year, doing a friend a favor was mostly a matter of logistics, timing and an honest conversation about whether, well, this friend was worth the effort. But now, as the coronavirus