Champions of Psychology: Paul E. Spector
This is an ongoing series in which highly regarded professors share advice on the successes and challenges facing graduate students. Paul E. Spector is a professor of industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology and the I/O doctoral program Visit Page
Diversity in Teams: A Two-Edged Sword Requires Careful Handling
The world of work is changing. Increased globalization, greater workforce diversity (at least in North America), and the need to apply a wide variety of skills to increasingly complex jobs has resulted in flatter organizational Visit Page
Goodness of Fit: The History of the Person-Environment Paradigm
Matching people to the environments they live and work is centrally important in industrial/organizational psychology. At this year’s Annual Convention in Los Angeles, an invited symposium examined the history of the person—environment paradigm. Symposium Chair Visit Page
Codes of Conduct in the Business World
Though her book The Fountainhead, was written over 60 years ago, Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism remain relevant today, particularly to business ethics, according to APS Fellow Edwin A. Locke, University of Maryland, in his Visit Page
The Future Work Force
Some I/O psychologists measuring workforce trends fear a shortage of labor and talent; others see an increase in global job mobility. A “demographic time bomb” is ticking as baby boomer retirements head toward a collision Visit Page
Invited Symposium: A Team Apart
Emerging Theoretical and Empirical Approaches Used in Team Research C. Shawn Burke and Eduardo Salas, co-chairs University of Central Florida Presenters Stephen M. Fiore University of Central Florida Nancy J. Cooke Arizona State University Stephen Visit Page