Powerful people think they’re taller than they are (we’re looking at you, Sarkozy)
Toronto Star: Women don’t need high heels to feel taller – all they need is a little bit of power. People overestimate their height when they are in more powerful positions, according to new research Visit Page
De baas voelt zich groter
De Standaard: Als mensen zich machtig voelen, dan voelen ze zich ook groot. Dat besluiten de Amerikaanse psychologen Michelle Duguid van de Washington University en Jack Goncalo van de Cornell University uit een reeks van Visit Page
Want to Feel Taller? Become the Boss
Science: French president Nicolas Sarkozy (right) is only 5’5” (1.65 meters), but he might not even be aware of it (although his raised heels speak otherwise). That’s because power makes people feel taller than they Visit Page
Tall tales: Powerful people tend to overestimate height
msnbc: In June 2010, the Swedish-born Chairman of BP Carl-Henric Svanberg touched off a firestorm of controversy with his remarks about his company’s reaction to the Gulf oil spill. “… we care about the small Visit Page
Modupe Akinola
Columbia Business School, USA www4.gsb.columbia.edu/cbs-directory/detail/731784/Modupe%20Akinola What does your research focus on? I study how stress affects performance. My research focuses on understanding how organizational environments, characterized by deadlines and multi-tasking, can engender stress, and how Visit Page
Ergonomics & Human Factors
Ergonomics & Human Factors 2012 will be held April 16-19, 2012, Blackpool, UK. For more information visit: http://www.ergonomics.org.uk/events/ehf2012 Visit Page