As teacher merit pay spreads, one noted voice cries, ‘It doesn’t work’
The Washington Post: Merit pay for teachers, an idea kicked around for decades, is suddenly gaining traction. Fervently promoted by Michelle A. Rhee when she was chancellor of the District’s public schools, the concept is Visit Page
What You Need to Succeed—and How to Find Out If You Have It
Scientific American: Whether you succeed at work may depend on many factors—intelligence, empathy, self-control, talent and persistence, to name a few. But one determinant may outweigh many of these: how you perceive those around you. Visit Page
Good Reason to Dwell on What Might Have Been
Don’t beat yourself up for daydreaming about what would have happened if you’d chosen a different career, bought a different house, or committed to a different partner. Research suggests that thinking about what might have Visit Page
Study: Powerful think they’re taller than they are
USA Today: Powerful people truly do stand tall, at least in their own minds. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Cornell University found through a series of three experiments that powerful people feel Visit Page
Le pouvoir leur a monté à la taille!
Slate France: L’histoire ne manque pas d’exemples de personnages de petite taille (au sens propre) ayant exercé de grands pouvoirs. Lénine mesurait 1m65 comme Charlot, Louis XIV 1m62 (*) comme Beethoven, Mozart et Benoit XVI Visit Page
Feeling Powerful Makes You Think You Are Taller Than You Are
ABC News: Feeling powerful today? Then you probably think you are taller than you really are. And if you feel a tad powerless, you probably feel like the runt of the litter. In a provocative Visit Page