Hard Hat One Day, Suit the Next
As a scientist in the human factors practice, my work is focused on evaluating and understanding human performance and safety in product and system use. By working to understand the limitations and abilities of people’s Visit Page
Does Being Black Make Leadership Easier For Women?
Forbes: Black women in leadership roles are judged less harshly for behaving assertively than are white women or black men, says a new study by three academics. The researchers asked 84 online participants (none black Visit Page
Black Women Leaders Approved for Assertiveness in the Workplace
While black men and white women are often jeered for being assertive and aggressive leaders, black women are expected to adopt dominant leadership styles usually associated with white men. Visit Page
The Surprising Benefits of Corporate Disunity
Huffington Post: I love reading accounts of the West Wing’s inner workings, because they are studies in the predictable quirkiness of human psychology. Presidents and their trusted staffs always arrive in the White House with Visit Page
Driving Home the Point
When Haneen Saqer, Ewart de Visser, and Jonathan Strohl arrived at Westfield High School in Chantilly, Virginia to talk about the perils of distracted driving, they thought they would be addressing a group of 100 Visit Page
APS Award Address
APS Fellow Gary Latham had many goals when he left graduate school, but returning to academia was not one of them. “I made the decision that I did not want to be an academic,” said Visit Page