How the Sunk Cost Fallacy Impacts Your Relationships
In the field of economics, the sunk cost fallacy — also called the sunk cost effect — is notorious. It occurs whenever we double down on poor financial decisions based on past investments that can’t Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on temporal construal effects, severe developmental dyscalculia, cognitive fitness in older adults, how choice boosts curiosity, and much more. Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on psychosocial predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, early-warning signals in children, adolescents, and adults, bidirectional effects in parent, peer, and romantic relationships, and much more. Visit Page
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles on assessing allegations of harm, relationship well-being surrounding infidelity, the link between sleep and aggression, and much more. Visit Page
Why It’s Not Enough to Just Spend More Time With Your Partner, According to a Psychologist
Many people come to therapy worried that they may not be spending enough time with their partner. They ask questions like: We know that spending time with our significant other is important. However, it is Visit Page
How to Show Your Friends You Love Them, According to a Friendship Expert
When psychologist and friendship expert Marisa Franco went through a rough breakup in 2015, she felt like she had no more love in her life. So Franco leaned on her friends for support. They did Visit Page