Wat u over uw ziekte denkt, is belangrijk voor uw genezing
De Standaard: Een juiste diagnose is uiteraard cruciaal als je ziek bent, maar nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat ook het beeld dat de patiënt zelf heeft over de aandoening, een rol speelt. Van onze medewerkster
All About Online Love
When Dan Ariely was a teenager, he suffered burns so severe that he spent three years in the hospital. Ariely worried about how his injuries would affect the way he fit in socially — especially
Romantic Jealousy and Self-Esteem
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the 23rd APS Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Watch Jessica L. Bowler from Pitzer College present her poster session research on “Self-Esteem and Components of
Lisa Zadro
University of Sydney, Australia http://www.psych.usyd.edu.au/staff/lisaz/ What does your research focus on? My research focuses on ostracism, the act of being excluded and ignored. I literally get to ignore people for a living. What drew you
C. Nathan DeWall
University of Kentucky, USA www.uky.edu/~njdewa2/home.html What does your research focus on? My research emphasizes the pervasively social nature of human beings, a nature that includes a powerful motivation to form and maintain social connections, a
Joe Magee
New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service & Stern School of Business, USA http://wagner.nyu.edu/magee What does your research focus on? I study the influence of social hierarchy on thought and behavior, and how