Warning: This Face Is Dangerous
If you’re a little, soft-spoken guy, duking it out mano-a-mano with a tough, masculine type probably isn’t in your best interest — and a fair amount of research on threat perception and dominance explores why
He aims to humanize health care – Q & A
Boston.com: WHO Dr. Omar Sultan Haque WHAT Haque, a psychology PhD candidate at Harvard, wrote a piece with Adam Waytz in the current issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science about the dehumanization of medicine. Q.
Hostile and Friendless
I’m Gregory D. Webster from University of Florida and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.
Is modern medicine ill with dehumanization? New article offers a diagnosis, unveils its causes, and prescribes a humanizing cure
“Anyone who has been admitted into a hospital or undergone a procedure, even if cared for in the most appropriate way, can feel as though they were treated like an animal or object,” says Harvard
Lack Of Compassion Can Make People Feel Less Moral, Study Shows
Huffington Post: When a stranger asks for money, people choose not to give for a variety of reasons, even if their hearts want to — perhaps they’re not sure what the money will be used
Your Brain on Fiction
The New York Times: AMID the squawks and pings of our digital devices, the old-fashioned virtues of reading novels can seem faded, even futile. But new support for the value of fiction is arriving from