Knowing Others and Being Known
My mom thinks she can read me like a book. And, as moms are apt to be, she’s right. When we’re on the phone, she knows what mood I’m in before I finish my first
Il riconoscimento, non i soldi, fanno la felicità (Recognition, not money, is a delight)
La Stampa: La questione se i soldi facciano o meno la felicità è antica quanto l’uomo – o per lo meno fin da quando è stato inventato il denaro – e, ancora oggi, è oggetto
Respect Matters More Than Money for Happiness in Life
New research suggests that overall happiness in life is more related to how much you are respected and admired by those around you, not to the status that comes from how much money you have
Kreislauf der Geschenke
Süddeutsche.de: Warum es in Ordnung ist, Präsente weiterzugeben Geburtstag, Hochzeit, Kommunion, Konfirmation, Einschulung und bald wieder Muttertag: Ständig soll irgendjemand beschenkt werden. Das stresst, und am Ende wird wieder etwas wenig Kreatives in Geschenkpapier versteckt.
Is regifting really that bad?
Business Insider: The people who originally gave the gift are not nearly as offended as regifters think they’ll be. Five studies investigate whether the practice of “regifting”-a social taboo-is as offensive to givers as regifters
The Gifts We Keep On Giving
With so many holidays and celebrations, who can blame someone for doing a little recycling, or as it is commonly known, regifting? Not the person who actually gave the original gift, despite what a regifter may think.