Give And Take: How The Rule Of Reciprocation Binds Us
NPR: In 1974, Phillip Kunz and his family got a record number of Christmas cards. In the weeks before Christmas they came daily, sometimes by the dozen. Kunz still has them in his home, collected
To Regift or Not to Regift, That Is the Question
The Huffington Post: I admit it: I’m a chronic regifter. There are few things in life that give me more pleasure than finding a new home for an item that’s just taking up space in
How Teen Rejection Can Lead to Chronic Disease Later in Life
TIME: Teens may not be wrong when they see their social troubles as matters of life and death. Being excluded, rejected, dissed by friends or otherwise ostracized by your peers is practically a rite of
Quanto costa la felicità (How much does happiness cost?)
la Repubblica: Se potessimo avere, 3500 euro al mese… Saremmo certi di trovare la felicità? Ricerche alla mano, parrebbe proprio di sì. L’importante, come consigliava nel ’39 la famosa canzone Mille lire al mese, è
Personality Dynamics Through the Lens of Cognitive Science
With the goal of advancing a cognitive neuroscience of personality dynamics, leading researchers from the United States and Europe gathered in Trieste, Italy, on July 10, 2012, to present cutting-edge findings on the neural and
How to Win Over Someone Who Doesn’t Like You
Forbes: Does your co-worker scowl every time you walk by? Is that guy in your networking group consistently aloof? Sometimes, for no clear reason, someone may decide they dislike you – and if you want