Welche Gesten den Egoisten entlarven (The gestures that reveal the egoist)
Die Welt: Sie haben jemanden gerade erst kennen gelernt und trotzdem überkommt Sie bereits nach wenigen Minuten ein mulmiges Gefühl. Ihr Bauchgefühl sagt Ihnen, dass Sie dieser Person besser nicht vertrauen sollten. Doch wieso wirken
Personality Dynamics Through the Lens of Cognitive Science
With the goal of advancing a cognitive neuroscience of personality dynamics, leading researchers from the United States and Europe gathered in Trieste, Italy, on July 10, 2012, to present cutting-edge findings on the neural and
Robot Reveals Why Humans Trust, and Don’t
Discovery News: Humans often make snap judgements about who to trust. Most people will say “I didn’t like the look of that person,” but what that means, exactly, has been elusive. Now a robot is
Who (and What) Can You Trust? How Non-Verbal Cues Can Predict a Person’s (and a Robot’s) Trustworthiness
People face this predicament all the time—can you determine a person’s character in a single interaction? Can you judge whether someone you just met can be trusted when you have only a few minutes together?
Alcohol Is a Social Lubricant, Study Confirms
Health Magazine You’ve seen those commercials with fun-loving people sharing a laugh over a cold brew. Now, a new study lends scientific support to the notion of alcohol as a social icebreaker. Researchers found that
Express UK: Thinking of being generous encourages people to be more helpful – while contemplating gifts received makes us feel more dependent and enslaved. Dr Adam Grant, of Pennsylvania University, and Jane Dutton, of Michigan