New Website Aims to Reinvent Psychology Education
APS Fellow Ed Diener and his wife Carol Diener want you to imagine taking chapters from various introductory textbooks, then shuffling them in any order you want to best fit the course you are teaching —
Multiplier les erreurs aide à mieux apprendre (Making mistakes helps you to learn better)
Le Figaro: Vingt-cinq siècles plus tard, le Pr Tom Stafford, du département de psychologie de l’université de Sheffield (Royaume-Uni), et son collègue de New York Michael Dewar viennent de confirmer l’enseignement du sage chinois dans
Practice without cramming can optimise learning, study reveals
The Telegraph: Quality is just as important as quantity when it comes to practice, a University of Sheffield study has revealed. The research, which analysed game play data from 850,000 people, has revealed that the
Long gaps during revision ‘better than cramming’
BBC: There is bad news for anyone relying on last-minute exam cramming, as psychologists publish research showing that learning is much more effective when spaced out over stretches of time. The study from Sheffield University
How You Practice Matters for Learning a Skill Quickly
Practice alone doesn’t make perfect, but learning can be optimized if you practice in the right way, according to new research based on online gaming data from more than 850,000 people. The research, led by
Facebook and Narcissism
The New York Times: A Times article recently debated whether young people are more narcissistic than previous generations, mentioning Facebook as a possible factor. And a University of Michigan study, published in June, seems to