Learned Creativity — How to Innovate in the Classroom
When people think of innovative organizations, they may first jump to the business and technology fields. In the field of education, however, new governmental standards and reforms, as well as growing competition for resources and Visit Page
Older Adults Are Bigger Risk Takers in High-Poverty Countries
People’s propensity to take physical, social, legal, or financial risks typically decreases as they age, but not in countries with high poverty and income inequality, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal Visit Page
Passport to Collaboration
A look at research careers that cross national boundaries. Visit Page
18th European Conference on Personality
The 18th European Conference on Personality (ECP), will be held in Timisoara (Romania), at the West University of Timisoara, July 19-23, 2016. The conference is co-organized by the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) and the Visit Page
“Motivation and Social Perception” Call for Submission
We are pleased to invite you to submit symposium and poster proposals for the upcoming conference “Motivation and Social Perception”, to be held 19–21 July 2016 in Gdansk, Poland. The conference will be jointly organized Visit Page
World Bank Puts Psychological Science on World Stage
Psychological science is making a big splash in world of international development. This month the World Bank announced a new initiative intended to bring insights from behavioral science directly to the forefront of international development. Visit Page