Bloom and Grow: My View of Psychological Research in China
Thirty years ago in China, there were only a few people called psychologists, and no college students had the opportunity to obtain a degree in psychology because no Chinese universities had psychology departments at that Visit Page
Asian Psychology Coming of Age
During the late 1970s, I was an undergraduate at Kyoto University. I chose to major in psychology, but I was deeply puzzled by one fact: Why was it that not a single Japanese name could Visit Page
Helping Physicians Understand Screening Tests Will Improve Health Care
Medical doctors tend to think of psychologists as therapists, useful for emotionally disturbed patients, but not for members of their own trade. Research on transparent risk communication is beginning to change that view, however. As Visit Page
Psychological Science Spanning Scientific and National Boundaries
In my view, psychological science in the Netherlands displays two distinctive features: an international outlook and a scientific enterprise that is increasingly defying traditional boundaries. By its very nature, science is an international endeavor. Genuine Visit Page
Canadian Cultures
It interests and confounds me that most people in the United States seem to know little, and few seem to care, about the history, characteristics, or complexity of Canada. Several years ago, I accompanied a Visit Page
Go Away. Here’s How.
What began with a simple click at www.cies.org led me to an abundance of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and, eventually, to Nepal. I received the Fulbright Award in March of 2004 along with an offer to choose Visit Page