V. Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science
16-19 May 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia Sleep, neural oscillations, and cognition The Central European Cognitive Science Association (CECOG) launches its fifth international conference in the historical town of Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science Visit Page
Everyone Judges Sexy Women — but Why?
“Are sexualized women seen as complete human beings?” — and if not, why? A group of psychological scientists led by Jeroen Vaes of the University of Padova, Italy, tried to answer these questions by studying Visit Page
Reflections on Five Years as Editor
Editing Psychological Science is a uniquely challenging and rewarding editorial gig. My predecessor, James Cutting, likened the experience to riding a thoroughbred race horse, “You hold on with all your might for some equilibrium, go Visit Page
The Fabric of Psychology Departments in Europe Is Intricate and Wonderful
The divine architect who laid the grounds of psychology departments in Europe must have cherished diversity and condemned anybody who, per chance, was commissioned to describe them in 1000 words. So, whatever comes next will Visit Page
Gelfand Receives Anneliese Maier Research Award
APS Fellow Michele J. Gelfand, who studies conflict and conducts comparative cultural research, accepted the Anneliese Maier Research Award at a ceremony at Heidelberg University in Germany. The award is granted by the Alexander von Visit Page
Police Prejudice Is Not What You Think
A team of psychological scientists led by Juliette Gatto of Blaise Pascal University, France, took a close look at prejudice in new police recruits, officers with a year of training, and a control group from the general population. They discovered unexpected nuances. Visit Page