The Influence of Children’s Personalities on Interventions for Aggression
All children are aggressive at one time or another; however, a small group of children display pervasive and unremitting levels of aggression. Children who display high levels of aggression are at risk for a number Visit Page
Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities
The Lithuanian EU Presidency’s Conference “Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities” will be held September 23–24, 2013 at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania. For more information visit horizons.mruni.eu/. Visit Page
Trading Places
Hide-and-seek: child’s play, or an important developmental tool that teaches children how to work together? British scientists Alex Gillespie and Beth Richardson think it might be both. Gillespie, at the University of Stirling, and Richardson Visit Page
Putting a Little Personality Into Social Psychology (and Vice-Versa)
The personal and the social intertwine inextricably. In a 2011 paper published in the European Journal of Personality, a group of psychological scientists note that when we talk about an individual’s personality, part of what Visit Page
What’s Location Got to Do With It?
When we see airplanes and toothbrushes and other visible things, we see them in relation to other objects — on top of a runway or inside of a mug on the bathroom counter. Many psychologists Visit Page
The Either/Or of Psychological Science: A Reflection
This article is part of a series commemorating APS’s 25th anniversary in 2013. In David Lodge’s book Therapy, the main character, Tubby Passmore, turns to Kierkegaard’s book Either/Or to find understanding of his past, a Visit Page