Dehaene, Robbins, and Rizzolatti Receive Largest International Brain Prize
Two renowned European psychological researchers, both of whom focus on cognitive neuroscience, have been awarded the world’s largest prize for brain research. APS Fellows Stanislas Dehaene and Trevor W. Robbins, along with Italian neurophysiologist Giacomo Visit Page
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology
The 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology is July 8–13, 2014, at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France. 5,000 attendees are expected to attend. For more information, visit www.icap2014.com or email exh@icap2014.com. Visit Page
On the Relationship Between Social Class and Prejudice
Studies have indicated that prejudice is more prevalent among people from lower social classes, but researchers are still struggling to understand what might account for this association. In an article published in the European Journal Visit Page
Advances in Integrative Psychological Science
Increasingly, the excitement in psychological science is in integrative science — research that spans disciplinary boundaries and geographic boundaries, and that combines different levels of analysis of the same phenomena. At the same time, it Visit Page
Sleep Unbinds Memories From Their Emotional Context
Many of us might remember our parents insisting that we get a good night’s sleep before a big exam or test, with the argument that being well rested would help us perform at our best. Visit Page
Inconvenient Truth-Tellers
Throughout history, scientists have found themselves the subject of scorn, slander, ridicule and even violence when their discoveries have failed to mesh with authoritative doctrine or public sentiments. When an ancient Muslim cleric was offended Visit Page