Majority Groups Support Assimilation—Except When They’re Not Majorities
People’s views on assimilation–adopting the ways of the majority group–are fluid and contextual, depending on the role their group occupies in a particular environment.
Hanna Zagefka
Royal Holloway University of London, UK What does your research focus on? My research focuses on intergroup relations, particularly acculturation and other phenomena affecting ethnic minorities. More recently, I have started to investigate predictors of
Chris Sibley
The University of Auckland, New Zealand http://www.psych.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/chris–sibley/ What does your research focus on? My research focuses on trying to understand how and why people use ideology to justify social inequality and group hierarchy. I am
Amy Cuddy
Harvard Business School, USA http://people.hbs.edu/acuddy What does your research focus on? Much of my work has focused on social categories (e.g., Asian Americans, elderly people, Latinos, working mothers) — how they are judged by others
Betsy Levy Paluck
Princeton University, USA www.betsylevypaluck.com What does your research focus on? I’m interested in prejudice and conflict reduction. I’m especially interested in developing and testing theory using field experiments with real world prejudice and conflict reduction
Anti-Prejudice Campaigns Do More Harm Than Good?
A study in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science demonstrated that some anti-prejudice campaigns are not only ineffective, they may actually encourage prejudice. The researchers found that autonomy-focused interventions, which emphasize anti-prejudice as a personal