Empathy Doesn’t Extend Across the Political Aisle
When we try to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we usually go all the way, assuming that they feel the same way we do. But a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal
Study of the Day: ‘Diversity’ Has Become a Useless Concept
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Initially, diversity pertained to inclusiveness toward historically disadvantaged groups. How far have people strayed from this original denotation? METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by Miguel Unzueta of the University of California, Los Angeles, designed
Forget the Money, Follow the Sacredness
The New York Times: In the film version of “All the President’s Men,” when Robert Redford, playing the journalist Bob Woodward, is struggling to unravel the Watergate conspiracy, an anonymous source advises him to “follow
The Ever-Expanding Definition of “Diversity”
Diversity has become a goal for all sorts of institutions—but its exact meaning may depend on the ideology of the person you’re talking to.
Act Your Age
There is no denying that in Western society, youth is valued. It is estimated that in 2008, more than £16 billion was spent on anti-aging products the United Kingdom. In 2006, Americans spent over $45
Kinder mit geringerem IQ neigen später eher zum Rassismus
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Die Einstellungen eines Menschen lassen sich bereits im Kindesalter vorhersagen. Wer als Zehnjähriger in Intelligenztests schlecht abschneidet, pflegt als Erwachsener eher rassistische Vorurteile, berichten Psychologen um Gordon Hodson von der Brock University in