Bigger Brains Linked With Slightly Better Cognitive Performance
Using a larger dataset than all previous studies on the subject combined, researchers found a small connection between brain size and cognitive performance.
Older Adults’ Abstract Reasoning Ability Predicts Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Data from a longitudinal study show that age-related declines in abstract reasoning ability predict increasing depressive symptoms in subsequent years.
Myth: Brain Training Will Make You Smarter
Researching this persuasive myth allows students to use scientific reasoning tools to evaluate popular claims regarding intelligence.
Raising Brilliant Kids — With Research To Back You Up
“Why are traffic lights red, yellow and green?” When a child asks you a question like this, you have a few options. You can shut her down with a “Just because.” You can explain: “Red
You’re Not as Smart as You Think: Perils and Benefits of Overconfidence
It is widely known—or at least widely believed—that people are overconfident in their own abilities. Psychological research has consistently found, in fact, that people have too high a self-assessment when it comes to traits that
QI : sommes-nous vraiment en train de devenir moins intelligents? (Are we really becoming less intelligent?)
Vous êtes moins intelligents que vos parents et vos enfants le seront encore moins que vous. C’est en substance l’idée répandue par une minorité de scientifiques depuis quelques années. Selon eux, le QI des populations