New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring rationality in joint action; parenting, poverty, and brain connectivity; coupling between vocabulary and reasoning; and links between visual attention and perceived emotion. Visit Page
Back Page: Decoding Decision Making, One Neuron at a Time
Researcher Daeyeol Lee uses methods from economics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence to understand the brain’s ability to make decisions. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring Visit Page
The Science Behind Making Your Child Smarter
What parents wouldn’t want to give their children the ability to get good grades and excel at work? Those benefits are linked in research to a high IQ. Dozens of recent studies shed new light Visit Page
We Still Believe That Genius Is Male—and Women’s Careers Are Suffering as a Result
The notion that men are intellectually superior to women remains lodged in our collective psyches. New research offers evidence that this bias has pernicious real-world consequences. A new study finds that women are less likely Visit Page
Your Dog May Not Be a Genius, after All
If you are convinced your dog is a genius, you may be disappointed in the conclusions of a study just published in the journal Learning and Behavior.The study finds that dogs are cognitively quite ordinary Visit Page