Poverty’s Role in Intellectual Development
CityLab: Whether intelligence is more the product of nature or nurture has long fascinated American social scientists and the general public alike. Typically the result is explained as some balance of genetics and environment, but
Poverty Dampens Genetic Influence on IQ, in the US
An analysis of data gathered from 14 independent studies indicates that the influence of genes on intelligence varies according to people’s social class in the US, but not in Western Europe or Australia. The findings
Googling Might Make People Feel Smarter Than They Actually Are
New York Magazine: Google makes it easy to pull up just about any information that’s available, but some psychological researchers think it comes with a cost. The “Google effect,” as one team dubbed it, is
Superforecasters: The Art of Accurate Predictions
Will Venezuela cut gasoline subsidies? Will the US Federal Reserve raise interest rates before the end of the year? Your guess is as good as mine, unless you happen to be what University of Pennsylvania
Can You Get Smarter?
The New York Times: YOU can increase the size of your muscles by pumping iron and improve your stamina with aerobic training. Can you get smarter by exercising — or altering — your brain? This
The Life Scientific
BBC Radio 4: Professor Robert Plomin talks to Jim Al-Khalili about what makes some people smarter than others and why he’s fed up with the genetics of intelligence being ignored. Born and raised in Chicago