Never Forget a Face? Women May Remember Faces Better Because They Scan More
Women may remember faces better than men in part because they spend more time studying features without even knowing it, suggests a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Irving I. Gottesman
University of Minnesota James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award Irving I. Gottesman is known internationally for his work in the field of behavioral and psychiatric genetics. His research has focused on the many ways that genetic
In-Sue Oh
Temple University www.fox.temple.edu/mcm_people/in-sue-oh/ What does your research focus on? My current research interests center on the roles of various individual differences (e.g., personality, cognitive ability, work experiences) in predicting and explaining important work outcomes (e.g.
Le pouvoir rend heureux (power makes them happy)
Le Monde: La solitude de la fonction, la lourdeur de la charge, les renoncements qu’elle implique sont invoqués pour justifier les émoluments conséquents de certains dirigeants. Pas du plus grand nombre, qui gagnait en moyenne
6 Secrets Of Powerful People
Prevention: Powerful people are happier because they feel more authentic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. To reach that conclusion, investigators conducted online surveys in both the US and Israel.
The Upside of Power
The Wall Street Journal: We’ve all heard about the loneliness and corruptions of power, but two new academic works suggest that maybe it isn’t really so bad. First, psychologists at UC Berkeley found that people