APS Past President Mahzarin R. Banaji and Colleagues Receive Golden Goose Award
The Harvard University psychological scientist, along with APS William James Fellow Anthony Greenwald and APS Fellow Brian Nosek, is being honored for foundational research on implicit associations and social cognition. Visit Page
Mahzarin Banaji and the Implicit Revolution
APS Past President and William James Fellow Mahzarin Banaji pioneered research in implicit social cognition. Her collaborators and former students celebrate her work and influence. Visit Page
The Bias Beneath: Two Decades of Measuring Implicit Associations
Since its debut in 1998, an online test has allowed people to discover prejudices that lurk beneath their awareness — attitudes that researchers wouldn’t be able to identify through participant self-reports. The Observer examines the findings generated by the Implicit Association Test over the past 20 years. Visit Page
Sleep May Help the Brain Integrate New Language Skills
Scientists have understood for decades that the brain is “plastic,” meaning that our neural connections change and adapt in response to new experiences. One factor that seems to play a particular role in language plasticity Visit Page
Psychologie: Druck kann leistungssteigernd wirken (pressure can help improve performance)
Der Spiegel: Der Druck, mehrere Aufgaben gleichzeitig erledigen zu müssen, kann unter bestimmten Bedingungen die Leistung steigern. Das haben Forscher der Universität Basel herausgefunden. Der Grund dafür ist, dass Berufstätige unter Druck ihre Arbeitsweise wechseln. Visit Page
Quantum physicist, social psychologist among this year’s Killam Prize winners
The Globe and Mail: The Canada Council for the Arts calls it this country’s Nobel Prize. And today, the Killam Prize recognized five more of Canada’s finest academics for their devoted work to scientific and Visit Page