Expert Panel: Policing and Racism, Insights from Psychological Science
On May 21, APS convened a panel of experts on policing and racism. Here is a video and transcript of that event. Visit Page
You’re Probably Not As Open-Minded As You Think. Here’s How To Practice
… Recognize that your biological hardware isn’t exactly setting you up for success. I have bad news for you about your brain: you don’t fully know what it’s up to. That might sound ridiculous. But in Visit Page
The False Promise of Quick-Fix Psychology
It would be hard to find a scientific field that has enjoyed as much mainstream success in the 21st century as social psychology. Social psychologists dominate the TED Talk stage, rack up impressive contracts as Visit Page
Bias Is Built Into Our Brains. But There’s Still Hope.
Human beings are simplifiers. We are cognitive misers, exerting the least amount of mental effort that we can in making decisions. We rely on heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to take the fastest route from A Visit Page
Much More Online
Featuring articles on universal design, inclusion, and vaccination. Visit Page
APS Teaching Fund Showcase
Three teams of researchers—studying accessible statistics, outreach on implicit bias, and undergraduate animal studies—share highlights from their work. Visit Page