New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on oppressed groups engendering implicit positivity, compassion fatigue as a self-fulfilling prophecy, gaze-triggered communicative intention, and much more. Visit Page
Twisted Tales: Unraveling the Surprising Benefits of Irony
Podcast: APS’s Özge Gürcanlı Fischer Baum and Penny Pexman (Western University) discuss cognitive flexibility and emotion recognition, two crucial aspects underlying the processing of sarcastic speech. Visit Page
Couples Who Laugh Together, Stay Together
Podcast: In this episode, psychological scientists Norman Li and Kenneth Tan illuminate how the mutual creation and enjoyment of humor serves as crucial markers of relationship well-being. Visit Page
The Very Serious Science of Humor
To find mirth in the world is to be human. No culture is unfamiliar with humor, according to Joseph Polimeni, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Manitoba. For someone who analyzes humor, Polimeni tells Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on audience characteristics in eliciting amusement, visual working memory, the effect of underestimating counterparts’ learning goals, misplaced barriers to asking for help, face-information sampling, and much more. Visit Page
Why We Laugh at the Most Inappropriate Times and What It Says About Us
Laughter is best described as a physiological response to humor. In fact, humans can giggle as early as three months old. The fact that laughter kicks in before babies can even speak shows us the importance it plays Visit Page