From Where the Chair Sits
Serving as the chair or head of an academic department may very well be the most difficult and challenging job in university administration. At the same time, however, being a department chair or head can Visit Page
The Fabric of Psychology Departments in Europe Is Intricate and Wonderful
The divine architect who laid the grounds of psychology departments in Europe must have cherished diversity and condemned anybody who, per chance, was commissioned to describe them in 1000 words. So, whatever comes next will Visit Page
When it Comes to Department Name, ‘Psychology’ Is #1
The continuing commentary on the article on psychology departments’ changing their names in the September 2011 Observer led me to wonder about the current distribution of departmental monikers. I therefore mined the data of the Visit Page
America’s Public Universities
These are indeed challenging financial times for our institutions of higher education — a kind of “perfect storm.” The sustained downturn in our economy has resulted in the erosion of state support for our Visit Page
Studying Sex
Developing research with a specific focus is an important step as an early career psychologist, but choosing to specialize so soon also has its difficulties. When a researcher has an unconventional primary interest, such as Visit Page
Study Finds Link Between SAT Scores and Freshman Grades
The Chronicle of Higher Education: The debate over whether the SAT reliably predicts success in college has another argument in the test’s favor: an article published in the journal Psychological Science, conducted by researchers at Visit Page