A Hub for Teaching Psychology
The APS Teaching Fund is supporting the development of a central clearinghouse for research on teaching introductory psychology, along with other pedagogical resources. Visit Page
The Memories of Memory Researchers
APS President Suparna Rajaram asks four internationally renowned psychological scientists, including APS Past President Henry L. (Roddy) Roediger, III, APS Board Member Dorthe Berntsen, APS Fellow Qi Wang, and Charan Ranganath, about the paths that led them to shape how we study and understand human memory. Visit Page
Sternberg Receives Grawemeyer Award for Intelligence Research
APS William James Fellow Robert J. Sternberg has won the 2018 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Psychology for his research on intelligence and education. Sternberg, a professor of human development at Cornell University and Visit Page
APS Student Caucus: Serving Student Members for 3 Decades
There is much to celebrate about the past 30 years of APS, an organization founded to advance the science of psychology. And that includes a key part of the APS membership — students. From its Visit Page
Pursuing Questions at the Heart of Identity
APS Past Board Member Jennifer Richeson talks with APS President Suparna Rajaram about the factors that led her into a career studying topics such as inequality, discrimination, race, class, and gender identity. Visit Page
Sternberg Receives Grawemeyer Award for Intelligence Research
APS William James Fellow Robert J. Sternberg has won the 2018 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Psychology for his research on intelligence and education. Sternberg, a professor of human development at Cornell University and Visit Page