Inside the Psychologist’s Studio With Henry L. “Roddy” Roediger, III
An esteemed memory researcher discusses his life and career with his former student, Suparna Rajaram. Visit Page
What Should They Be Called?
“They” refers to the animals – human and infrahuman – in our experiments. It used to be simple: they were subjects, or in certain types of perceptual experiments, observers. In the older literature much was Visit Page
Writing Textbooks: Why Doesn’t It Count?
In 1975 I was an assistant professor at Purdue University and in my third year on the faculty. One day my colleague Barry Kantowitz came to see me with a proposal: Would I be interested Visit Page
What Happened to Behaviorism
The year 2004 marks the centenary of B. F. Skinner’s birth. I doubt that most members of the American Psychological Society (and even a smaller proportion of all psychologists) will pay much attention. After all Visit Page
The Great Handbook Scam
Not long ago, the editor of a publishing company approached me about editing a Handbook of Human Memory that would cover the field. I said that there was no need; Tulving and Craik had published Visit Page
Vita Voyeur
I like to look at other people’s vitas. There. My little secret is out in the open. Vitas are so delicious, so much fun to read. They tell so much about a person. Academics live Visit Page