James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships Awarded
The James McKeen Cattell Fund has awarded its 2013-2014 Fellowships. Presented in partnership with APS, the Fellowships are awarded yearly to North American university faculty committed to developing scientific research in psychology and its applications
A Spouse’s Voice Rings Loudest in a Crowded Room
ABC News: You’re at a crowded party, and two voices are competing for your attention: one from your spouse, the other from a stranger. Who are you most likely to hear? Your spouse, according to
How You Tune Out Your Spouse—and Why
TIME: Spouses have always had a funny way of both hearing and not hearing each other. On the one hand, the person you married is the person with whom you conduct the most intimate business
Your Spouse’s Voice Is Easier to Hear – And Easier to Ignore
With so many other competing voices, having a conversation on a bustling subway or at a crowded cocktail party takes a great deal of concentration. New research suggests that the familiar voice of a spouse
Study Links Cognitive Deficits, Hearing Loss
The New York Times: There’s another reason to be concerned about hearing loss — one of the most common health conditions in older adults and one of the most widely undertreated. A new study by
Breaking Through the Silence
“New technology has dramatically improved the quality of hearing aids in the past decade,” said Stephanie Weiss in a recent Washington Post article. “But some say an old technology could have the most profound impact