That Sounds Right: Hearing Objects Helps Us Recognize Them More Quickly
Audio associations can help us recognize objects more quickly, suggesting that sounds can help us make fine-grained discriminations between objects, new research suggests.
Silence Is a ‘Sound’ You Hear, Study Suggests
The hush at the end of the musical performance. The pause in a dramatic speech. The muted moment when you turn off the car. What is it that we hear when we hear nothing at
Our Brains May Process Silence and Sounds the Same Way
Can you hear the sound of silence? It’s a question that may seem better suited to a philosophy class (or a Simon & Garfunkel concert) than a science lab, but a new study published today
Hearing is Believing: Sounds Can Alter Our Visual Perception
Audio cues can not only help us to recognize objects more quickly but can even alter our visual perception. That is, pair birdsong with a bird and we see a bird—but replace that birdsong with a squirrel’s chatter, and we’re not quite so sure what we’re looking at.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on language and counting, pain as social glue, perinatal conditions and gender nonconformity, constellations across cultures, generations and personality, attachment and hearing, app usage and identity, and sexism identification.
Using Neuroscience to Challenge Our Eyes and Ears
The split-second distinctions made
possible by neuroscience challenge
common understandings of how we
see and hear.