Hand Washing: A Deadly Dilemma
The Huffington Post: New Yorker essayist Atul Gawande is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, a prestigious teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard Medical School. A couple years ago, he wrote a profile
Why Placebos Work Wonders
The Wall Street Journal: Say “placebo effect” and most people think of the boost they may get from a sugar pill simply because they believe it will work. But more and more research suggests there
Peter Kuppens
University of Leuven, Belgium http://ppw.kuleuven.be/okp/people/Peter_Kuppens/byYearType/ What does your research focus on? I study emotions, specifically I’ve been trying to make sense of the patterns with which our emotions change across time, and what we can
Lars Schwabe
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany http://www.cog.psy.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/larss.html What does your research focus on? At the intersection of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and endocrinology, my research focuses on how stressful experiences influence cognitive processes. In particular, I am interested in
June Gruber
Yale University, USA http://www.yalepeplab.com/junegruber What does your research focus on? In what ways can feeling good actually be bad for us? There is a fair amount of research on associated difficulties of negative emotions
Joan Chiao
Northwestern University, USA http://culturalneuro.psych.northwestern.edu/Lab_Website/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? I conduct research in social affective and cultural neuroscience. Currently, my research adopts a ‘cultural neuroscience’ framework to examine how cultural and genetic factors give