Quick Tip: Relieve Stress By Faking It
Men’s Fitness: When it comes to smiling, “fake it until you make it” may be the best way to relieve stress, according to a new study. Smiles are highly visible signs of happiness, but researchers
Certain Kinds of Passion Can Take a Toll on Self-Esteem
A recent study in the European Journal of Social Psychology suggest that not all passions are created equal; some kinds of passion may even be harmful to your health.
Smiling during stress may help the heart
United Press International: People who smile even though they don’t feel like it had lower heart beat levels, U.S. researcher suggest. Psychological scientists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas conducted a
Si vous vous sentez stressé, souriez ! (If you feel stressed, smile!)
Le Figaro: Un sourire, même forcé, abaisse le rythme cardiaque pendant une activité stressante, révèle une étude américaine. Les scientifiques avaient déjà révélé l’effet relaxant d’un sourire, mais l’on pensait celui-ci réservé au «vrai sourire»
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting
The 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies will be held November 1-3 in Los Angeles, CA. For more information visit: www.istss.org/Home1.htm
Study: Forcing a Smile Genuinely Decreases Stress
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Happiness makes us smile, but can smiling make us happy? Even if it’s a fake smile, because your mouth is propped open by chopsticks? There’s the standard smile, which remains located in